According to the research, "the average digital birth of children happens at around six months with a third (33%) of children's photos and information posted online within weeks of being born". What do you guys think of this? I wouldn't say it's bad or negative in any way... but it doesn't feel right for some reason and I can't pinpoint it!
In addition to this, the study showed that 7% of babies and toddlers have email addresses set up for them by parents, and 5% have a network profile! Why ???
The only plausible reason for any of this is sharing the news or your baby or things that are going on in their lives with you family and friends but, there is still something kind of weird about it.
The more I think about it I have come to the conclusion as to why I may be a little turned off to this idea... with all the controversy lately in young adults lives of having this archived identify on Facebook, aren't these parents in a way jump-starting this process for them?? It's interesting to think about!